Cycling etiquette - what would you do...

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Sunny Suffolk
Interested in views and opinions on the following situation I encountered last week.
On a Sunday morning I cycle to my local reservoir, cycle round it (twice) and then home. I have a friend who joins me for both laps and another friend who sets off a little earlier, runs the first lap and cycles the second.
Last week, the running friend encountered a puncture about half way round (7.5 mile lap). I had a spare tube and patches, but he was adamant that he didn't want to / it wasn't worth fixing the puncture and that he would run the rest of the way, pushing his bike.
So the question I wanted to ak, is do you cycle the last thee miles at running pace (6-7mph) and stay with friend or do you say you had the chance to fix the puncture and didn't take it, bad luck old sport, see you at the end?
Look forward to hearing thoughts and views and what you would do.


Legendary Member
Do what is best in terms of good manners.


Smutmaster General
See him at the end. It was his choice to turn down the offer, and he likes running, so....
Or, kill him and throw the body in the reservoir.


Legendary Member
Interested in views and opinions on the following situation I encountered last week.
On a Sunday morning I cycle to my local reservoir, cycle round it (twice) and then home. I have a friend who joins me for both laps and another friend who sets off a little earlier, runs the first lap and cycles the second.
Last week, the running friend encountered a puncture about half way round (7.5 mile lap). I had a spare tube and patches, but he was adamant that he didn't want to / it wasn't worth fixing the puncture and that he would run the rest of the way, pushing his bike.
So the question I wanted to ak, is do you cycle the last thee miles at running pace (6-7mph) and stay with friend or do you say you had the chance to fix the puncture and didn't take it, bad luck old sport, see you at the end?
Look forward to hearing thoughts and views and what you would do.

Do another lap while he is running!
Guy runs the first lap on his own anyway so think I'd leave him then wait at the end. Halfway round so would take him 1/2 an hour so if you pootled you'd only be at the end around 15 minutes before him

Then offer to sort his puncture out again while he's cooling down. How else is he going to get it home? If he arrived by car you can amuse yourself while waiting by letting his car tyres down.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
If he arrived by car you can amuse yourself while waiting by letting his car tyres down.

Tea sprayed...


Sunny Suffolk
I am glad of the reassuring responses.

Yes I did bugger off and leave him, as I was time constrained - had to get back at a reasonable for for daddy duty.

The other friend who was cycling with my also decided that he could go at his own pace and we would go at ours - I think his words were "I came here to work up a sweat".

I am the only one who cycles there and back, everyone else drives. I didn't think of letting the air out of his tyres, although the suggestion did make me laugh.


Über Member
I'd leave him to it as it was his choice not to fix it or accept your help.

As others have said, the fact that he runs the first lap on his own anyway, let him run the last on his own too.
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