Cycling and greenhouse gases

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Chris S

Legendary Member
Cycling increases respiration and consequently results in the higher production of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, etc).

Has anyone ever investigated what effect this has on the environment?

And so does sex. I'd chill out and not worry too much about it. :thumbsup:
morning chris
Dont eat spicy foods promotes methane , stop breathing carbon monoxide and stop the x factor as its a waste of fresh air lol merry xmas neil[ ps nearly forgot wonder if this goverment can tax the use of fresh air to stop people using it lol quote name='Chris S' timestamp='1292672527' post='1505850']
Cycling increases respiration and consequently results in the higher production of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, etc).

Has anyone ever investigated what effect this has on the environment?



Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Cycling increases respiration and consequently results in the higher production of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, etc).

Has anyone ever investigated what effect this has on the environment?

Yes, it is called the carbon cycle, it does not result in the higher production of greenhouse gases and should not be confused with the burning of fossil fuels... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I think I breathe less than people who are less fit than me. Well, it seems that way in the lift anyway when I can easily travel 7 floors with barely two breaths while others are panting away. When riding I breathe harder than if I were driving but again some people seem to puff and pant all the time.
As the others say, I wouldn't worry about the CO2 you breath out. It's the CO2 in the extra food you eat you have to worry about.....:whistle:


Legendary Member
However ... once I bought my bikes I then invested in roof bars. Now they really chew up the petrol consumption so I think I now have a larger carbon footprint than before I started cycling.

Actually, that's not true as my previous hobby was racing motorbikes, which really isn't very green (but great fun)



Senior Member
Glasgow Brr ..
Cycling increases respiration and consequently results in the higher production of greenhouse gases

Higher than what? Is this in a commute scenario so you want to compare to driving ? hardly world saving difference I would imagine
What about compared to walking or running (you may do both while catching a bus) .. Maybe no difference or better

If not just for a commuting scenario and it was shown to produce more CO2 than lying in bed - would you consider spending the rest of your life idle?! I think your question is taking things too far IMO !

Plus its flippin freezing everywhere I'm loosing faith in the global warming thing


New Member


The carbon dioxide is mostly already present in the make up of the atmosphere that you breathe, it makes up the vast amount of what you breathe in.

Respiration is the act of your body sucking in the air and stripping out the little oxygen that it needs, most of what is returned into the atmosphere is what went into your lungs in in the first place minus some of the oxygen.

GCSE Science anyone?

Or is this the Daily Mail chatroom?

Also - Global warming pisses about with the gulf stream that heats our shores, so yes we can freeze in winter when the world gets warmer.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
I am not so sure.The fart I did coming up the hill to home after eating sprouts may have caused sea level to rise substantially. :hello:
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