Nearly, the author must have been rounding the numbers.So written in 1935
Some things haven't changed
View attachment 692574
40 years ago or even 30 years ago, Sunday club runs were nice as there was next to no traffic. Besides the almost doubling in car numbers since 1980, Sunday shopping ruined it.
So written in 1935, looking back to 1895, when there were "no motor vehicles on British roads" and between that time and the author's came "an entirely new technique in road construction" (presumably Tarmacadam). Huge change. And the first world war too.
It's worth pondering that 40 years ago now was 1983.
Sheep roam free in most places where there's open fellside, they're not usually a problem as long as you don't get between the littluns and mum, otherwise they bolt across the road in front of you.I wouldn't want to cycle in Hutton-Le-Hole anyway, sheep wandering about everywhere, I think they've got the freedom to graze anywhere.
I've only owned 8 bikes in my life, and I bought the 7th one in 1981.In 1983 (40 years ago), I was a year away from getting my first 10 speed racer. At the time I had a 24” single speed tracker bike, with cowhorns and knobbly tyres. I was also pretty decent at jumps, pulling long wheelies, and riding my bike whilst sitting on the bars. If I did any of that now, I’d probably do myself a mischief.