Cycling 17 miles home with one cleat missing

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Smutmaster General
Thumberland not that easy, is it? :sad: First time I've 'thrown' a cleat in 5 yrs of using them... lost somewhere early in journey (yesterday evening) went back to have a gander, but no joy... as shoe got wet (roads were wet) it got slippier.


I've got it :smile: if you send a stamped addressed envelope to ....:sad:


Über Member
Never thrown an cleat (touch wood) but I did once end up trying to cycle 10 miles home with the left hand crank dangling :sad:. At one stage I even tried re-fitting the cotter pin using a convenient brick - to no avail.

I still swear my right leg is 1/2" thicker in diameter than my left :smile:


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I pedalled four or five miles minus my LH crank when the bolt unscrewed itself and disappeared. The disaster happened during a 100km York CTC audax and I managed to find a bike shop in Ripon (thank you Moonglu) purchase a replacement chainset and bottom bracket, have them fitted and still finish the event within the time limits.


the tank engine
I got to work once with the shoe stuck in. Nearly fell off the bike trying to get my foot out...then had to walk all the way up Dorking high street in cycling gear, smart shoes and a shoe still attached to my bike :bicycle: Got a few bewildered looks!

Annoying thing was, the first bike shop was shut - but the lad in Bike Hut (the one you all hate) was really nice and friendly, had it off and tightened it up so I was okay getting home ;)

betty swollocks

large member
Thought I'd make a grand entrance into Paddington Station on my recumbent once, only when I came to take one of my feet out, the cleat (missing one screw, although I was unaware of this at the time) rotated in the shoe and wouldn't unclip.
Travellers were therefore witness/curious/amused to the spectacle of me falling over onto the tiles still attached to 'bent and then struggling to take underneath shoe off while still down.
Not one of my most dignified moments.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
Sounds like another item that i need to keep a spare of at work :biggrin: just in case
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