Does not know where we are, checked the map for routes . Almost nothing in from the coast and Spain is just as bad if you exclude the famous camio routes.
Here is a comparison of routes in Cycletravel and Veloviewer. The veloviewer red is popular and blue/faint blue are not used very often. Gives an indication of through routes but no details, blue and faint blue are the best as you could be on a great route or some mountain goat / swamp style ride as you can't tell the type of surface unless you have good topo mapping.
Here is a comparison of routes in Cycletravel and Veloviewer. The veloviewer red is popular and blue/faint blue are not used very often. Gives an indication of through routes but no details, blue and faint blue are the best as you could be on a great route or some mountain goat / swamp style ride as you can't tell the type of surface unless you have good topo mapping.
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