Cycles should be fitted with tracker security

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Senior Member
With cars you can buy your given the option of having tracker fitted as it helps with your insurance costs ..

I can't understand to see why that this tried and tested system still hasn't been made available to we the cyclist .. afterall the prices of cycles has gone through the roof as has all the extra's ... the industry knows they can sell there product for such prices .

But when we suffer a theft it hits us in the pocket .. the chances of getting the bike back is very remote

the snail

It would be expensive compared to the cost of a bike, and where would you hide it? Probably better to mark it with your postcode or use alphadot or chip etc. so it can be returned if the police recover it - most recovered bikes end up being auctioned because the owner can't be traced.


It's £99 and will launch very soon, either built into your rear light, seat post or stem. :thumbsup:


Fortunately, the manufacturers of the units have a little more imagination than that, Riverman. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
If you can plant a bugging device , mini cam into a ciggie packet , jacket etc then i can't see why a company can't do the same with a bike afterall the number of stolen bikes posted on here and other sites certainly warrants a vaild reason .


New Member
Woudn't a steel frame form a Farraday Cage around any transmitter and prevent it sending a signal?
Presumably we'll soon be seeing bike-frames with an integrated mini-USB socket for charging all your covert devices.
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