Cycle Path in Kirkwall.............Why?

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Alex H

Legendary Member

It's in the top right of this map on the main car park,-2.9649558,19z/data=!3m1!1e3


Legendary Member
That house just left of centre in the background, I looked at buying that once.


Girl from the North Country
'Cos car parks are horribly dangerous? All the drivers are focused on finding spaces or getting out of spaces or the shopping they're about to do/have just done. I hate walking & cycling through them.

An elderly friend of my dad was run over by someone he knew reversing out of a parking space at a crematorium when they were about to attend a funeral. He was lucky not to lose his leg - it was about to be amputated but a senior surgeon decided it was worth trying to save.

Pretty sure that I've parked in that car park but I don't think the cycle path was there then - about 10 years ago.
Alex H

Alex H

Legendary Member
Pretty sure that I've parked in that car park but I don't think the cycle path was there then - about 10 years ago.

And it's still not finished. Only a couple of hundred metres more to go.
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