So the other day, I put a destination into Google maps on my phone, and the audio directions came through great on my bluetooth headphones. Very handy.
What doesn't work so well is following a defined route - Google will immediately recalculate with its own idea of what's best. Well guess what - I sometimes want to follow a longer route.
What I could do is add more interim destinations, to force it to follow the way I want, but I was wondering if anyone else had used a cycle nav app with audio that works the way I want?
What doesn't work so well is following a defined route - Google will immediately recalculate with its own idea of what's best. Well guess what - I sometimes want to follow a longer route.
What I could do is add more interim destinations, to force it to follow the way I want, but I was wondering if anyone else had used a cycle nav app with audio that works the way I want?