Cut hand

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New Member
So, schoolboy error lead to the back of my hand losing an argument with my big chain ring, slicing it open as the pedal suddenly came free.

I was rushing and did not take care. Result is the 7 days later, following steristrips, infection, anti biotics, it still is not fully healed.

Doh. Be careful


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Ouch - I hope it heals properly.

I did the same thing when rushing to pack my bike at the last minute for a trip to Spain. I looked at the big ring, I looked at the pedal spanner. I thought to myself that it might be an idea to put the chain on the big ring just in case, wear a glove just in case, and take extra care just in case ... So, I left the chain on the little ring, left off the glove, slipped and gashed the back of my hand on the chain ring. Aaargh! :blush:


Legendary Member
Ha ha, I went through exactly the same thought process as you Colin, ignored my own advice, pedal thread gave way suddenly and I stabbed my thumb with a chainring tooth. It's nearly healed now, a week later.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Ha ha, I went through exactly the same thought process as you Colin, ignored my own advice, pedal thread gave way suddenly and I stabbed my thumb with a chainring tooth. It's nearly healed now, a week later.
Why do we do that!

I reckon it's because we think that it won't happen since we are alert to the possibility of it happening.

I always use a foot on the spanner now; safer, and much easier too!
The other option is to wear gloves - thick gardening gloves that is, not cycling mitts. :biggrin: ;)
(re-read posts) Aha, Colin thought of that - but didn't .... :biggrin:


When I first read this, I thought what a buffoon, a simple job and you hurt yourself, I've changed many a pedal and often do from SPD-l's to flat pedals depending on what ride I'm doing and never had a scratch.

Tuesday night, I'm changing my pedals around again ready for my commute Wednesday morning, thinking about this thread and what a simple job it is and how can you hurt yourself, when, next thing I knew, I had two puncture marks in my finger pouring with blood from the teeth on my chain ring when my pedal unexpectantly came loose and I became a member of the buffoon club.

Its almost as bad as when I was removing my cassette of my wheel and I had a feeling it was going to be a struggle to remove, so I wedged the wheel up tight against the wall so I could apply as much leverage as possible holding the wheel still, but the locking ring came loose a bit too easy and I flew forward and head butted the wall drawing blood.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Tuesday night, I'm changing my pedals around again ready for my commute Wednesday morning, thinking about this thread and what a simple job it is and how can you hurt yourself, when, next thing I knew, I had two puncture marks in my finger pouring with blood from the teeth on my chain ring when my pedal unexpectantly came loose and I became a member of the buffoon club.
Ho ho - and the next one please! ;)
Its almost as bad as when I was removing my cassette of my wheel and I had a feeling it was going to be a struggle to remove, so I wedged the wheel up tight against the wall so I could apply as much leverage as possible holding the wheel still, but the locking ring came loose a bit too easy and I flew forward and head butted the wall drawing blood.
Should've worn a h*lm*t....

(*runs and hides*)


Recall now why I screwed up with my chain, instead of my bike having the chain on the outer ring as usual it was on the inner, so all the teeth of the outer was exposed. Perhaps some foam insulation lagging over the chain ring would sort the problem out for us halfwits who play with the teeth on a chain ring.
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