Custom Training Plans on Garmin Connect

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Senior Member
Hi All,

Just a question for some of you tech guys.

I currently have a Garmin 810 and one thing I have noticed is the ability to add a Training Plan into your calendar with Garmin Connect (GC).

However, there is only 1 training plan for cycling, so is there anyway one can be manually created, either on GC, or another website for my own specific needs to then be added to GC and the calendar :smile:

Hope someone can help.

Many Thanks


Well-Known Member
Hi Jamie, if you log into GC, then go to Plans then workouts, you can create a plan that suits your needs. You simply add the steps as you want, either time, speed or distance based add as many as you want and duplicate them if you want to repeat in the same plan then save it and send to device. I used this method on a static trainer last winter and it works fine. there are lots of sites out there with plans you can access and copy/modify to suit your needs. As you ride them your 810 will beep at the change point of a new section with a counter to display your progress and describe the current one and the next one so you know what's coming up. (at least it does on my 800 so I assume yours will do that same)


Well-Known Member
Sample session based on cadence/time


Senior Member
Hi Shanks,

Thanks very much for your reply :smile: It is greatly appreciated. It's great to know I can create a workout for a specific day I am heading out.

What I was trying to get to grips with, is whether you can custom made an entire plan. Lets say a 12 week plan full of different workouts that I can just add to the calendar like the Garmin one's on their site :smile:

Only reason why, is I would like to create a 12 week plan to follow religiously, however I only seem to be able to add Workouts to the calendar one-by-one opposed to adding the entire plan to the calendar.

Hope that makes sense?



Well-Known Member
Hi Jamie, I see what you're getting at but don't think there is a way, the only way is to create them individually and then add them one at a time. Even then it wouldn't link them in any way so you couldn't separate one set of workouts from another. I guess it could be done by using series names for each workout then they could be filtered in some of the review screens in GC. Cheers
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