CTC Membership and Insurance

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New Member
Not knocking it, but I am not sure what I am getting out of a CTC Membership with respect to legal advice, that my knowledge of driving and RTAs as a car driver gives me - exchange of insurance details, witnesses, write everything down, solicitor, etc.

Then I'm not sure why CTC cycle insurance for my commuter is quoted at £45, when my home insurance includes it at £15 (while locked up in a garage/house).

I think I may be missing some good features?


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
My home insurance covers both my wife and my bikes, both in the house and outwith the house (so long as they are securely locked up), it also cover accidental damage when we are riding them and gives us 3rd party liability cover. We also get access to a legal advice helpline, but the difference is that CTC insurance if the injury or damage is more serious, then a solicitor may be appointed to take action on your behalf.

If you are looking for a non CTC cycle insurance then try the ETA...
It's not just legal advice as in a webpage telling you a few bulletpoints of what-to-do-if-you-have-an-accident.

But rather, if you have a prang - either someone hits you or you hit them - then they put you in touch with their tame solicitor who will take on the case for you (obviously subject to there being a chance you'll win it, etc) and CTC pick up the legal bill


Legendary Member
I believe that Motor Insurance Companies will do anything to avoid a payout. We need all the help we can get.


Nr Cambridge
andy_wrx said:
It's not just legal advice as in a webpage telling you a few bulletpoints of what-to-do-if-you-have-an-accident.

But rather, if you have a prang - either someone hits you or you hit them - then they put you in touch with their tame solicitor who will take on the case for you (obviously subject to there being a chance you'll win it, etc) and CTC pick up the legal bill

Not quite right. Where a party who has collided with you is found to be at fault ie they are liable then the CTC solicitors RJW will request an order for your legal costs from the other side's insured together with any compensation for you. Which will in 99.9% of cases they will accept this or a judge will grant it as you were the claimant injured party not at fault.

In the event that you were at fault or that your contribution to the collision was significant then a judge may make an order for costs against you which may well include the other sides costs in addition to any damages you have to pay the other side. So to meet these CTC's third party insurance that it offers it's members kicks in and the CTC's insurer picks your and most importantly other side's legal costs plus the damages awarded them so you or the CTC don't have to. However it is very rare for a cyclist to be considered fully fault where in collision with a motor vehicle and thus ending up having to pay costs and damages to a vehicle driver. Usually the cyclist is the claimant and the driver the defendant. So if the cyclist's actions meant they did contribute to their injuries, damage to their property or other losses then the claimant cyclist would have their damages reduced accordingly but in PI cases the courts try to side with injured claimants out of public policy as it is perverse to have lots of injured people without any compensation especially in employer/employee relationships. Typically contributory negligence might reduce damages by 10-30%. 50% would be harsh. But having said this CTC's RJW have just advised Uncle Phil he would only likely recover 25% or less of any damages for colliding with a car that he pulled out in front of that was driven by a coffin dodger who indicated to turn left and manoeuvred to do so only only to change his mind at the last second, carrying straight on, crashing into him and knocking him off. Time to get a second opinion.
I think Zippy is talking about 'cycle insurance' rather than 'third party cycling insurance' that you get with CTC membership.

Most home insurance policies are funny about bikes. Some only insure them in the home, some require a ground anchor or similar is used with an approved lock inside outbuildings such as garden sheds. Some don't insure the bike away from the home. Some do, but only cover total loss and not damage/vandalism/theft of parts. And then it's only when the bike has been secured with an approved lock. I always wonder whether such policies cover an attended theft, in that you physically had a hold of the bike when it was taken from you. And I saw one schemes list of locks; all the locks on it were expensive and only recently available on the market!

I would imagine any bike insurance product from the CTC to be quite comprehensive in what it covers and offer reasonable to good value. However, our bikes are insured through our Marks & Spencer's contents insurance. I even have a quad cycle locked up outside under a car port and when I queried whether that was covered, the answer was an unresounding yes.

I believe some policies offered by the likes ETA (dependant upon level of cover) are 'complete' and thus insure the bike and the rider, including accidents and maybe even cover for competitive events. It's been a while since I've looked at any such policies, so don't quote me.


Legendary Member
Wally said:
Does membership of CTC give you automatic cover, or is the insurance a separate cost?
3rd party included, stolen bikes are extra

Dan B

Disengaged member
Crankarm said:
In the event that you were at fault or that your contribution to the collision was significant then a judge may make an order for costs against you which may well include the other sides costs in addition to any damages you have to pay the other side. So to meet these CTC's third party insurance that it offers it's members kicks in and the CTC's insurer picks your and most importantly other side's legal costs plus the damages awarded them so you or the CTC don't have to. However it is very rare for a cyclist to be considered fully fault where in collision with a motor vehicle and thus ending up having to pay costs and damages to a vehicle driver. Usually the cyclist is the claimant and the driver the defendant.
I am given to undertand (i.e. I don't know myself how true this is) that the incidence of counterclaims from car insurance companies is on the rise. So even though they know (or at least reasonably suspect) that their customer was in the wrong, they bring a case against you anyway in the hope that the hassle and expense of defending it will push you to drop yours or settle for a smaller sum. If you have a lawyer on tap that will obviously discourage them from trying that approach - or at least make it less painful if they do


I have been with CTC 22 years.Family cost £55.Only just over £ a week.And all four of us are covered.Worth it for peace of mind.
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