I think you are all being a little too kind here. This is an excellent example of now
not to do a survey.
Question 7 is utterly ridiculous:
7. As a cyclist, which ONE of the following statements most sums up why you don’t like sharing the road with a lorry?
Lorry drivers often can’t see me
Lorry drivers do not give me enough room
I feel intimidated by large vehicles
Lorry drivers don’t understand what it’s like to be a cyclist
So I'm
told I don't like sharing the road with lorries (not true) and can then choose from a limited range of replies as to why.
This is the worst example, but most of the others are loaded in some way. Another example is Question 2:
2. Which of the following do you feel would make cyclists feel safer? Choose one.
More cycle lanes
Fewer large vehicles on inner city roads
Mandatory cycle training
Better training for other road users
If driving tests included how to deal with cyclists
How do I know what other cyclists think?
Even if I could mind read, the answer might well be something not listed
e.g. better enforcement of existing traffic laws or better road maintenance
The CTC should not be associated with this nonsense.
The "survey" can be found at: