Interested is too polite a word, as these are Mrs Dr Bollo's regular commute and are my 'bail out' train if SWT are having an off day.
Can't find any pictures on the interbob, but I understand the bike spaces will be reduced to 2 and the buffet is being replaced by a trolley. The CTC had a campaign going, which <sarcasm>looks like its been a roaring success</sarcasm>.
Its not much fun for those without a bike either, as Mrs Dr Bollo regularly gets to stand most of the way for her £340 a month season ticket. The biggest issue recently has been the trains regularly being shortened from 5 carriages to 4. Perhaps that might be a factor in the overcrowding? Reliability and Punctuality are also pretty shocking and they're having some of the highest fare increases in the new year.
(Post tails off into ranting and grumbling........)