Cramping during a long Bike Event

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Just recently completed a 100 mile Mt bike race in Minnesota. An awesome event.

However I ran into serious problems after mile 60 and onward to the end. I kept suffering from serious abdominal cramps that hit me all in the front up to my chest. It limited my breathing at many times.

I had no choice but to stop and rest and walk it off for all the final 39 miles to the end. Very brutal and took me a long time. to finish because of this

Now i like to know what i did wrong for this to happen.

I drank lots of water and did take my Gatorade as well during ride.

I did have some light food at some of aid stations on route and did stop briefly to refill water.

What type of physical things did i do wrong to cause this to happen.
It was very sharp pain that basically prevented me from riding through it.

suggestions and advice please
I am also looking for advice on how to get rid of cramp - it doesnt hit me during a ride - about 3/4 hrs after and in bed at night

suggestions and advice please


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
Abdominal cramps aren't exactly the same as muscle cramps. They're normally to do with the type of food you're eating and how your body is handling it. It's more common for runners to suffer because running and digesting food don't tend to go well together, and the usual advice is to experiment with your nutrition until you get it right (it varies a lot from person to person), and then stick with what you know works during events.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
The same has happened to me. I put it down to hydration - just slightly less than I'd planned to have, got severe cramp after 70 miles of 100, but managed to carry on at a reduced pace.

You'd have been best stopping and stretching for a while, finding additional hydration and carrying on.


Legendary Member
Gatorade contains carbohydrate, right? This can produce wind, which can be very painful if it gets trapped because you're in the same bent-over position. As you age you become less able to tolerate carbs without producing flatus.

At 56 I can't eat baked beans any more; the consequences are painful and devastating.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
It could also be improper breathing(as you don't really say where the pain was). If you breathe shallow with your chest,your diaphragm can spasm very easily and quickly. Inhale by pushing your abdomen out and relax during exhalation.

More common in beginner runners but common enough on the bike too
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