That doesn't look like a crack to me but it is easy to check. It is a pity the photo doesn't show the fork orientation. Nevertheless, a crack will quickly show up under strain.
If you have a bench vice, do this:
1) Clamp the steerer, with the fork horizontally, in the bench vice BELOW the jaws. The clamping will be firm but not crushing. The bit below the jaws is a natural place for a tube like a steerer. Clamp it so that the "crack" is visible i.e. at the top.
2) Manipulate (flex/bend) the fork.
3) Observe the crack. If it is a crack, there will be opening and closing of the line and perhaps even some sounds. You could put some soapy water on the area or drip it on whilst you manipulate it, that should, if it is a crack, show up as agitation of the fluid.
The reason I say it isn't a crack is because a fibre-mat composite like carbon fibre, fibreglass or kevlar composite doesn't crack like that. The crack doesn't travel longitudinally. Secondly a steerer's forces would cause a crack diagonally across the steerer, in the place dictated by fore/aft movement of the fork. That doesn't look like it.
I bet it isn't a crack. But then, I'm a plumber, I would say that.