alecstilleyedye said:
I've done the bar-ends into top tube thing far too often to consider carbon from the sounds of it…
I agree, I would never buy a carbon frame. Consider that to buy a good quality carbon frame will cost you a lot of money. Then think about all the knocks and bumps a bike usually gets during it's life and that any one of these could scrap your frame. Not only that but the uncertainty of not knowing if some bump or scratch has damaged the thing or not, is it fine or is it going to snap on you, no thanks.
I would say that about half of the times I go out riding off road I fall off. Think nothing of it, laugh about it, get up, carry on. Can you imagine wondering about whether your frame has been terminally damaged every time you fall off?
And being terrified about clamping it to a bike rack or stand, getting an oil or other chemical on it that will attack the lamination, will that scratch cause a fracture underneath? Bang it putting it into the car, it getting dunted by one of your mates dropping his bike against it, you have got to be kidding.
I see carbon fiber as a high-performance competition material. I think you can get to a point with any product where it stops serving you and you start serving it. I want my bike to serve me and I'm not interested in worshiping it.