Continental 4 Seasons

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Well-Known Member
Hi Guy's I hope your all hunky dory!

I am now starting to think about the weather being cold and wet most of the time and how much grip my Zaffiro's don't have! I have been looking about at tyres to use for the commute which is mostly town centre main roads and was quite attracted to the Continental 4 Seasons and was wondering if any of you had any experience them.

As always any advice/comments are always most welcomed!



Dog on a bike
I'm currently running a rear zaffiro with no problems.

I ran 4 seasons all last winter and although it's a good enough tyre, I personally don't feel they are worth the money. Rubinos aren't too bad.

If you run 25s or above, many people on here swear by schwalbe marathon pluses


Well-Known Member
I've got Zaffiro 23's front and back and find them great in the dry but really skitty in the wet. I was thinking of going for 28's to lay a little bit more rubber down as I think I've got plenty mud guard clearance. I'll check out the marathon plus's and rubino's.


Senior Member
is the rubber on the 4 Seasons a different compound to Gatorskins? Hope it is as I found it almost impossible to put power down on a steep climb yesterday. Rear Gatorskin (Krylion on the front) was slipping like mad and would hardly get a purchase on the wet tarmac.


Dog on a bike
I've got Zaffiro 23's front and back and find them great in the dry but really skitty in the wet. I was thinking of going for 28's to lay a little bit more rubber down as I think I've got plenty mud guard clearance. I'll check out the marathon plus's and rubino's.

I've not ridden the Zaffiro too much in the wet yet but my style of riding in the wet became more cautious after having Conti GP4000s on a few years back, now they were skittish!! On the Zaffiro I've had no problems so long as I avoid the obvious like drain covers, gravel et al.

Rubinos are one step up from Zaffiro (and about £3 I think if you get the unfoldable normal one). The pro version is foldable at about £18.

Tyres I'd stay away from are the Schwalbe Ultremo R1s, don't get me wrong, they are a fantastic dry weather tyre but they puncture at the first sniff of rain.


Well-Known Member
I remember having tyres that looked like the Rubino years ago and remember them being good all year round, can't remember what they were called though. I like the look of the tread pattern on the Marathon Plus and at £23.50 at Spa they don't break the bank either.


St. Albans
I used 4 Seasons for several years, and was always very happy with them. Tough and long lasting, and decent grip in the wet. These days though, I prefer Michelin Krylion Carbon in 700x25. Similar to the 4 Seasons in many ways, with good puncture resistance. Let a bit of air out in the wet, and they grip well. Pump them up a bit and they're perhaps a little more lively than the 4 seasons, which could sometimes feel a bit sluggish. Best of all, the Michelins are cheaper. Currently £22 each at Chain Reaction, for example. Bargain!
I used to use conti 4 seasons only the price rules them out now for me they were great lasting and had a good p'ture record (although other folk sometimes say the opposite for them but perhaps they ride in the gutter), had great grip which always inspired me with confidence and rolled well.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Used conti 4 seasons for 2 years - fab tyres, tough, grippy, light, and are good in the wet. As with HLaB, the price is a bummer for a commute tyre. I'm using Mitch Lithion 2's at present, and they are very good also. Not quite as hard wearing as the 4 Seasons, but a fraction of the cost, oh and they come in colours !:tongue:


Well-Known Member
I had pair of four seasons from September last year to about April and didn't have a problem with the grip throughout rain and winter. I did slip once in the ice going round a corner but I put that down to my own fault rather than the tyre. I started getting a few punctures after about 3000 miles and noticed a patch had worn away on the rear so replaced the tyre.


Just a bloke on a bike!
Always loved Conti's but last two sets started show shorts stands of cotton fraying from the sidewalls. Never had an incident but they did make me feel uncomfortable as I was always worried sidewall would blow out at any time - it never did by the way but I was put off.
So, bought a set of Vittoria Rubino Pro's, well cheap tyre and can honestly say they are fab, excellent grip dry and wet and wearing well.

I'm certainly no ecpert, this is just my opinion but hope it helps
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