Considerate drivers

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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Thought with the ongoing war between cyclists and motorists ever present I would speak up for a day of almost exclusively considerate car drivers I experienced today.

I'm not the fastest, I average about 13.7mph, and on my long ride today even lower (55 miles, 12 mph average) and I had 3 occasions where a car patiently sat behind while I rode as fast as I could to get to a point where they could pass, at which point I would thank them with a wave of the hand and they responded with a double toot / hazards and a thumbs up.

One was a fairly young driver driving a souped up small white car around West Byfleet, another who sat patiently even longer on the Ripley road. The last was between Leatherhead and Cobham.

Gave me a nice warm feeling inside and helped spur me on with little moments of encouragement. And they weren't the only ones, everyone who had to wait a second, waited with no worries.

Quite a difference from last week when I had a female with child in an Audi who beeped TWICE as I came off a roundabout in Morden to a small hill where I had to pass 3 stationary cars and she had to wait all of 5 seconds for me to get out of the way.


Legendary Member
It does make your day when you get lots of considerate drivers doesn't it. There is a local plant hire company in town that has lorries and vans that have passed me in the mornings and they have been exceptionally careful. I know there will be those on here that think that's just what they should do anyway, but I was thinking of emailing the firm to tell the boss to thank his drivers. Can't do any harm and may encourage them to keep up the good driving.

Now, the local commuters bombing along to work on the back roads late for work is another matter. :sad: Living in a rural community I find the larger vehicles and 4x4, s more considerate than the car drivers. My main culprits seem to be Audi and Volvo drivers. lol


Well-Known Member
I agree, there are a lot of great drivers who have patience & consideration to us cyclists, don't get me wrong i've had my fair share of nutters shouting abuse & even throwing things out the window at me......... but when you get a little consideration from others it gives you a little warm feeling inside ha ha, i always acknowledge a driver if i'm aware that i've held them up & they've remained patient & curtious aswell.

I often think that these people are probably cyclists aswell & therefore have an insight into what it's like on the road sometimes.


Rollin' along
Manchester way
The vast majority of drivers I encounter, I have no problems with or concern over whatsoever. Sadly it only takes one dick one time to kill you, but in 30 years of cycling at least several times a week, often daily: 2 serious collisions (i.e. hospital jobs) a couple of minor coming togethers with no damage done, one of them my fault totally too, and barely a handful of close shaves that actually stick in my mind for how close to nasty they could have been. In the same time I must have been passed by hundreds of thousands, if not more, drivers without even batting an eyelid.

I'm also a big believer, espectially with commuting a regular route at regular time, that courtesy and good nature works both ways, a friendly wave or a thumbs up for a good bit of driving can make you a friend on the road for good, I've even pulled up by one guy who had cut it close a couple of times at pinch points and politely explained to him how it felt from my side, he took it on board and was top notch the times I saw him after that.


Über Member
I agree it's a nice change but I can't really see a "war between cyclists and car drivers". I've seen lots of pig arrogant cyclists who think everybody should give way to them because they're on a bicycle [what highway code / that doesn't apply to me does it ?] and lots of stupid arrogant drivers, m/cyclists and even some horse riders. Yeah it's great when someone waits, lets you go, waves you on etc and it does feel good but I've been cut up, nearly forced off the road, rear ended while on the bike, m/cycle, car and even works van. If you think there's a war going on you need to let go and chill out. You're starting to develope a complex.
Like I said in another post it's part of the modern way, respect for anyone else is dissapearing fast.
It does make your day when you get lots of considerate drivers doesn't it. There is a local plant hire company in town that has lorries and vans that have passed me in the mornings and they have been exceptionally careful. I know there will be those on here that think that's just what they should do anyway, but I was thinking of emailing the firm to tell the boss to thank his drivers. Can't do any harm and may encourage them to keep up the good driving.

Now, the local commuters bombing along to work on the back roads late for work is another matter. :sad: Living in a rural community I find the larger vehicles and 4x4, s more considerate than the car drivers. My main culprits seem to be Audi and Volvo drivers. lol

I would certainly encourage you to email the company concerned and congratulate their drivers on being both safe and excellent ambassadors for the firm. It is so easy to complain these days, and we should always redress the balance when appropriate.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
nice one


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
I agree it's a nice change but I can't really see a "war between cyclists and car drivers". I've seen lots of pig arrogant cyclists who think everybody should give way to them because they're on a bicycle [what highway code / that doesn't apply to me does it ?] and lots of stupid arrogant drivers, m/cyclists and even some horse riders. Yeah it's great when someone waits, lets you go, waves you on etc and it does feel good but I've been cut up, nearly forced off the road, rear ended while on the bike, m/cycle, car and even works van. If you think there's a war going on you need to let go and chill out. You're starting to develope a complex.
Like I said in another post it's part of the modern way, respect for anyone else is dissapearing fast.

I haven't been cycling long enough to develop any kind of complex lol, it's just the way it's viewed by many isn't it?

I agree, there are a lot of great drivers who have patience & consideration to us cyclists, don't get me wrong i've had my fair share of nutters shouting abuse & even throwing things out the window at me......... but when you get a little consideration from others it gives you a little warm feeling inside ha ha, i always acknowledge a driver if i'm aware that i've held them up & they've remained patient & curtious aswell.

I often think that these people are probably cyclists aswell & therefore have an insight into what it's like on the road sometimes.

I wouldn't be surprised, there's a lot of cyclists around that area. Great to see and feel mutual respect on the road.

It does make your day when you get lots of considerate drivers doesn't it. There is a local plant hire company in town that has lorries and vans that have passed me in the mornings and they have been exceptionally careful. I know there will be those on here that think that's just what they should do anyway, but I was thinking of emailing the firm to tell the boss to thank his drivers. Can't do any harm and may encourage them to keep up the good driving.

Now, the local commuters bombing along to work on the back roads late for work is another matter. :sad: Living in a rural community I find the larger vehicles and 4x4, s more considerate than the car drivers. My main culprits seem to be Audi and Volvo drivers. lol

I would definitely send them an email, encouragement is always welcome.

FreeFlow Bikes

Active Member
I find that putting your hand out to tell them not to overtake when you can see round the bend and they can't, followed by waving them past when the roads clear works. The drivers usually always acknowledge us.
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