First is to think about where the 50/34 leaves you feeling short ?
How much do you use the 34 and the 50, is your terrain hilly, flat or both ?
How often do you use the 50 and can you maintain good speed on it. If you can cope well on the 50, then the jump to 53 is probably not too much extra....but, if you use and need the 34 because its hilly, the jump to a 39 could be quite a lot.
Personally i like the 50, its kinder on my knees. My commuter with a 53, i tend to spend more time on the 39.
But then the 34 on my compact was useless to me because of the flattish terrain here. Its easy to uprate the inner on a compact to suit your terrain, its hard to reduce the inner on a standard chainset if ithe 39 is too much for any hills.
Its a tortuous explanation

In simple terms, i think a compact is more adaptable...if you don't find yourself spinning out on the 50t