Commuter tools for my new road bike

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New Member
I am soon to pick up a Kona Honky Inc and realise that the toold and spare inner tube I carry around for my MTB will probably be of no use to me on my new commuter.

The pump I have is the type you push on and pull a locking lever down, but I have used this on my Schradervalves and the Kona is Presta - new pump?

Then there's Allen keys, new inner tube etc. I don't want my LBS fleecing me to buy a new-fangled-multi-use-shiny-spangly-thing for silly money, but I do want to carry the basics for commuter survival.

Yes, I do have a decent D-Lock and will only be securing the bike at work and won't be using it down the shops!


Über Member
Nice bike :biggrin:

Many pumps can be used with both valve types, you sometims have to unscrew the end and turn a rubber/plastic widgit round.  However if you're keeping the other bike I'd have a pump for each and leave them with the right bike.

What else I carry depend on the length of the commute.  At present I work 5 miles from home, on the bike is enough to sort a couple of punctures and a small cheap allen key set for anything that might come loose.  I figure I'm never more than 2.5 miles from home or work and walking to one would be quicker than most repairs.

I used to have a 16 mile each way commute and worked some unsocial hours.  I'd take enough to fix most common problems, a few spare chain links and chain splitter, spoke key, cable ties and gaffa tape, in six years I never used any of it!  I also found a taxi company who would take my bike and carried their phone number, again something I never needed, but it did provide peace of mind. 


Legendary Member
10 mile commute each way rural country lanes, however I also ride at weekends so this is my standard emergency recovery pack. Over kill may be, but my worst nightmare is being stranded on the side of a road, in the rain, in the winter, 30 miles from civilisation and as the SWMBO does not drive with no way of getting home.

2 spare tubes
Decent set of tyre levers
3 sets of spare chain links
£5 note and £3 in assorted coins
Credit card
Pump which is always on the bike.
Puncture repair kit.
Emergency Tyre Boot Patch
Brake cable
Red and clear Sigma Micro Lights
Cable ties
latex gloves
Set of Allen Keys
Chain tool

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