cleaning cycling shorts

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Banned member
South West
what is the best way to clean the chamois in cycling shorts? Some stains can be very stubborn!!!

I have tried 'Vanish' products but with no joy


EDIT why do manufacturers use light colours?


Senior Member
areal 3 in one liquid tablets seem to work a treat even got the stains out white football shorts and it was a muddy game


Quads of Steel
About 1/2 a year too late here, but Washing up liquid as a pre-wash treatment works well.

Just rub it in with fingers and work it around the stain as well.

Stick in standard cycle wash and voila!

I've had to stick in a lace top for the missus 3 times before engine oil grease came off.


Stains in your chamois, all the years that I have cycled, I have never had any stains that will not wash out regardless of what powder that I use (Even checked all my shorts just now), but end of day does it matter, no one will see them unless you wear them inside out.

But aside from that one thing that I always do is, wash them as normal with minimum powder along with all my cycling clothes and then give them all another rinse to ensure no trace of detergents etc are left. Nothing no worse on a hot sweaty day when you start itching caused by any residue detergent reacting with sweat, it can drive you bonkers.
Brake Pads?



Über Member
Seriously, when I worked on Diesel engines. I used to rub on hand cleaner before I washed any oil stains,
On another note if I had stubborn stains on my cycle shorts in the region your talking about I'd be going to the Doc's and giving up cycling as you have something badly wrong with your guts or your sh*tting yourself when you go out on your bike......or Tenner Lady, it may not penetrate to the shorts.....:rofl:
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