Cleaning Alcohol???

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Occasionally I read online advice about problem solving or fixing things that say clean with alcohol. What is it and where do you get it?

For example, my ASUS laptop fingerprint sensor isn't working, simply isn't being detected. ASUS online support first step is to clean the sensor with alcohol. I doubt purple meths I use in my old camping stoves or that nice Islay single malt I have is right. So what is?

I often come across advice to use one type of solvent or chemical for cleaning or prep and I really wonder who actually has these to hand? What do people use when a computer brand says to clean with alcohol or another company or techie site or forum like this said use x, y or z chemical?
Isopropyl alcohol is typically used.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Yes; isopropanol / isopropyl alcohol / "rubbing alcohol" is typically what people are referring to when referencing cleaning with alcohol.

It's really useful stuff to have around the house - great neat for cleaning electronics / screens / glass and also works well diluted with water (I use 66% to 33% water) mixed in spray bottles as a general cleaner and disinfectant.

It's pretty mild and generally safe on most plastics, with the exception of natural rubbers.


Legendary Member
isopropyl alcohol (isoprop)is a common choice for screen cleaning and such.

Meths is suitable for a non-damaging cleaning but has more impurities in it so some risk of streaks.

Meths is something like 90% ethanol (normal alcohol) with 10% methanol which is rather toxic, plus purple dye and other stuff

I'd use either for general cleaning of electrical stuff.

"proper" solvents like acetone, or chloro-this-and-that tend to dissolve many plastics so need more caution if casually splashed about
yes - IPA is good

WHen I was an IT tech in a local Primary School I had several old laptops and the Special Needs unit asked if their kids could use them for simple stuff

They were covered in stockers and the sort of general unidentifiable sticky stuff kids seem to generate

I cleaned them up with IPA and they looked like new laptops

also - good quality alcohol based hand sanitiser can work sometimes
I have a large bottle left over form the pandemic and it is great at cleaning Sharpie off plastic
I use sharpie to label old takeaway containers to put meals in the freezer - the hand sanitiser cleans it off nicely when I get it out again


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
We always have a bottle on hand. Handy for lots of tasks and we mainly use it diluted 50:50 with water.
Apparently during the war they used to use 100 Octane fuel to clean oil off hangar floors when a senior Officer was visiting

anything organic will work well - it is just whether or not it tries to dissolve the object while it does it

Time Waster

I really must label the Isopropyl Alcohol bottle as 'NOT IPA!@ or 'NOT INDIA PALE ALE', when I get some.

So apart from Amazon, where do you get it usually? Is it a DIY store item as the local hardware stores near me have all closed?
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