Time Waster
Occasionally I read online advice about problem solving or fixing things that say clean with alcohol. What is it and where do you get it?
For example, my ASUS laptop fingerprint sensor isn't working, simply isn't being detected. ASUS online support first step is to clean the sensor with alcohol. I doubt purple meths I use in my old camping stoves or that nice Islay single malt I have is right. So what is?
I often come across advice to use one type of solvent or chemical for cleaning or prep and I really wonder who actually has these to hand? What do people use when a computer brand says to clean with alcohol or another company or techie site or forum like this said use x, y or z chemical?
For example, my ASUS laptop fingerprint sensor isn't working, simply isn't being detected. ASUS online support first step is to clean the sensor with alcohol. I doubt purple meths I use in my old camping stoves or that nice Islay single malt I have is right. So what is?
I often come across advice to use one type of solvent or chemical for cleaning or prep and I really wonder who actually has these to hand? What do people use when a computer brand says to clean with alcohol or another company or techie site or forum like this said use x, y or z chemical?