There was a bit of "I'm really not complaining" and then some complaining. I've noticed other sportsmen do this as well. It's the PR coached version of the whine...
"I've got no complaints, [complain, whine, blame everything and everyone but yourself, point fingers etc], but that's the way it goes sometimes- that's bike racing." It makes them sound like they're really phlegmatic when they've just bitched and whined like a teenager. A "Certain Lance Armstrong" [(c) Paul Sherwen] used to do this all the time, especially in his comeback when he won squat.*
Noticeable exceptions to this are Cav, who just fires both barrels at the most obvious target and then later apologises and motor racing drivers who always claim it was the other driver's fault without ever dressing it up.
*That was not an invitation to turn this into another LA thread