Choosing the right headset.

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Questo posto è una bettola!
Steel is real but I thought I'd give carbon a go. I bought a relatively cheap fm001 frame from eHongfu because it is very likely that I don't like the feel of carbon and will go for titanium instead. I also bought a Campagnolo Centaur Red gruppo and a 3T Funda Fork. I need a 1 1/8 headset but don't know which one to choose as there are various headsets with different labels on them like hidden, threadless, 45/36, 45/45 etc. Would this for example fit my frame?

Thanks in advance.


Über Member
Nice looking frame. Di you have it yet? What's the build quality like?

Sorry I cannot help with the headset. It's a black art


Questo posto è una bettola!
Nice looking frame. Di you have it yet? What's the build quality like?

Sorry I cannot help with the headset. It's a black art
Just received the frame via EMS. Build quality is quite nice. Some imperfections in the weave thou'. If I decide to stick with carbon I'll probably sell this frame and buy a Colnago/De Rosa frame.


Questo posto è una bettola!
Their 2013 road frame's getting positive feedback. What sort of prices are we talking? If it's not too rude to ask :smile:
Of course not :smile: fm001 was about 300$ whereas a proper Italian road frame would cost you somewhat ten times that.
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