Si, we just took our 7 year old daughter to a shop to get her on a bike for the proper size and yes it comes with 8 speed gears.
She is the same after a couple of miles and struggles on hills and after explaining to her what gears do she wanted a new bike
It has 20" wheels and she is small for her age so if your wee man is of average size then he could fit some 20" bikes. I
think most bikes with gears start at 20".
We went for a Cuda Mayhem
It's an alloy frame so is lighter than the steel equivalent and no suspension, plus it has shimano gearing and a number indicator on the grip shift.
Just saw the Spooky is 14", that's the same size as our daughters bike so he might be big enough to change up. Get him to a shop to sit on a few cos not all 20" bikes have the same geometry. We tried a couple in
Decathlon but the reach was too much and a Raleigh 20" but she struggled to get her feet to touch the ground.