Childrens Cycling

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A Dizzy M.A.B.I.L
#2 son is mad about cycling, and would love to join a proper bike club.
I've done a Google & came up with Go-Ride & through that found a few clubs, have contcated them but none cater for children his age, the youngest I could find was 8, which is another 11 months away for him.
Does anyone know of a club local-ish to Worthing/Brighton that is aimed at younger children..?

The Dwaff Family

Senior Member
Oh no, that is a shame Funnymummy. When I tried to find info for local clubs to me a few weeks ago it took me hours of searching and even then it wasn't particularly clear. You could try ringing your local council and british cycling? I had assumed all Go-Rides started at U6?? DS2 joined 2 weeks ago, had a grass track event last night and came 1st in U6's :biggrin: :biggrin: I was so surprised at just how many children there are that are miassivley into it, watching them race was quite scarey at times though, especially on those fixed wheel things :blush:

Of those clubs you contacted, are you sure they can't join at 7? As if they were 8 onwards they would be racing in the U10's if taking part in the club racing against other counties. Really hope you get something xx


A Dizzy M.A.B.I.L
Well done DS2 Thats fabulous xx

One club over in Brighton (that looked fantastic & he was very keen to go to) replied to my email but said they only start from 8, & if he was 8 this calendar year they could let him start now. But he's not 8 til next May He was gutted when i told him

Have just found one - Very local, says on their website under 9's can take part, with parental participation, so have sent them an email - but it depends on what days/time they meet whether we can go, but the whole point is that it's his club & not him riding with me
All the others don't seem to mention a mimum age on their websites, so am just waiting to get replies, he is so eager to actualy join a club, none of his friends are into cycling so it would be great for him to meet other kids who love it just as much as he does

The Dwaff Family

Senior Member
That would be a shame if he can't just cycle around without you, bizarre??!! Are these Go-Ride clubs? DS2's club have races every Wednesday(few 4yr olds even) and 1 1/2hr training sessions on a Saturday. Parents don't have to stay, let alone have to take part. If I were you I would definitely be contacting British Cycling, there must be a better option for your lad nearer to home.


A Dizzy M.A.B.I.L
I have sent Britisg Cycling an email, enquring if they have any local clubs that cater for under 8's.
2 clubs mentioned in previous post are both Go Ride clubs.
We ride together as a family all the time, most of which #2 is on his special trailer, which limits our mileage/routes/speed, I just wanted somewher #3 would go on his own & do his own thing without me shadowing him (i'd happily just sit in the car park for an hour LOL)
#2 goes to a Special Needs activity club alternate Saturdays, he loves going & being his own self for a few hours.. Suppose i just wanted somethign similar for #3 to be able to have some independance
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