Chesire cat - times and traces

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No longer a Specialized fanboy
Upload you times and gps traces if you have them.

I`ll go first...


Distance: 47.67 mi
Time: 2:55:35
Avg Speed: 16.3 mph
Elevation Gain: 420 m
Calories: 2,431 C

Time: 2:55:35
Elapsed Time: 2:55:35
Avg Speed: 16.3 mph
Max Speed: 31.0 mph

Elevation Gain: 420 m
Elevation Loss: 434 m
MinElevation: 30 m
MaxElevation: 111 m

Heart Rate
Avg HR: 154 bpm
Max HR: 172 bpm

Avg Bike Cadence: 90 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 125 rpm

47.67 miles in 2 hours 55. Just managing to get a silver.


feck me - avg heart rate :ohmy:

Steve H

Large Member
6 hours 27 minutes for the medium route which I recorded as being 77.5 miles rather than the advertised 74.

Most of all though I'm proud of my Mow Cop medal. At 17 stone I must be one of biggest guys to get up cleanly!


Über Member
Fantastic day. The best day I've had on a bike. Perfect conditions!

My first sportive and I went for the 102 miler. Got my Mow Cop medal too - that 1 in 4 section is unbelievably tough!! Total time including stops 7:09.

Readings from my bike computer:
Moving time 6:10
Average speed 16.7 mph
Average HR 154 bpm
Av cadence 81
Max speed 42.1mph
Max HR 188 bpm (Mow Cop!)


philip holland

New Member
Great event today.

Photos are already up at


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Just a nudge for you Mr Secteur. All of your activities on your Connect page are visible, including ones with 'home' in the title. A mate of mine fell foul to this a few years ago when the theives owned up to trawling through pages like these to find 'home' locations. Cuts out the middle man of following you apparently....
Do your Special's a favour, never use the word 'home', change these runs to 'private' and only make public 'event' rides.

Apologises for sounding like your Dad...............


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well done everybody, especially Steve H on Mow Cop!
feck me - avg heart rate :ohmy:
I wore a Polar HRM for a day for my ex's university project (along with various other active and inactive people). I went out and did a 5 hour hilly local ride and my heart rate only fell below 155 BPM on some descents! On most climbs it was 170-185 bpm and going up the beast below, I hit 197 bpm ...



  • thursden-climb-wide.jpg
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They were filming up mow cop too. I was gurning like a good un. I seem to recall you will be able to view your mow cop ascent too.

I actually had to put my feet down at the end-there was a man hole cover just before the white van that i didn't see. Got a massive wheelspin on it. Organisers gave me a medal anyway on a technicality (which i couldn't be arsed to collect at the end).
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