cheffy update#3

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Well all, a bit of a slow last two weeks with the snow putting things back a bit, but still managed to do a few miles, on saturday did 7 miles off road and yesterday 26 miles on the Triban 3, the bike has not missed a beat, although i will definatley be changing the brake blocks, i'm not sure that they are stopping me that well, the good news is i am now a stone lighter, im feeling a lot fitter and my cardio fitness has improved, cant wait for warmer weather, i took advice from you guys with wearing a base layres care of Decathalon, and now alot warmer, although i still cool down quickly when not moving.....roll on spring and thanks for the advice sofar :0)

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Good going Cheffy, well done! :bravo:
It took me nearly 6 months for any real improvements (an avg of 107 miles a week from 23/6 till Dec, or 27 each day I went out) that was with an avg 39.84ft per mile. the first two months i was basically on flat roads (hated hills) @ 13.1 mph, that climb rate is 48.13ft per mile for this year @ 13.6mph.
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