Ah .... some recommend that.
Others (I'm one) don't.
It's almost as contentious as Helmet debates.
Seriously though, a lot depends on your age, fitness, what kind of cycling you want to do, what kind of cyclist you want to be seen as.
And don't forget if you've only recently taken up (or returned to cycling) you will get better at hills over time.
I came back to cycling (4 years ago) with an old school "touring" set up. 48/36 on the front, 13-30 on the back
There's a "hill" near me that I found hard on the 36 ring, and convinced me I needed to change to a triple.
I go up it now quite happily on a 39 ring, in the middle of the cassette, and could probably do it in the 53 ring if I wanted to.
I still have the triple, and use the granny ring not infrequently for longer steeper stuff. Do I care what folks think of me for riding a girly triple? Do I feck ?