Challenge: Identify this Peugeot

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Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
The seat tube decals identify it as having been produced between 1970 and 1976.

You may be able to narrow it down further by checking the hubs: Peugeots often had Maillard hubs which have a simple week and year date code, ie 23 75 would be week 23 of 1975.

What could be the dealer's decal on the down tube says "Moorselbaan", which is a road in Aalst, Belgium.

You can have a look through the catalogues at the link I gave you above and here to try and identify the model.

Be aware that a Pug of this age will have a French threaded headset and bottom bracket; you will likely find some other quirks (don't talk to me about seat posts).

Classic Rendezvous, Velobase and Disraeli Gears may also be useful to you.


Itching to get back on my bike's
looks just the job , you cant beat a Peugeot have fun doing whatever you decide to do .

decals look like early 70's , theres quite a few websites out there to help id and age it .

have you checked the hubs for dates yet , i have one which has either 73 or 78 on and they are Atom one . look at my post . before going to far check the seat post is free to move , if not before spending to much money getting it out and get a new one .
Looks like a PY10 - the best bet is to note down the make of tubes on the frame ( 3 tubes reinforces probably) and on the forks 531 (if you are lucky) and then trawl through the old catalogues in the first link that scilly suffolk kindly gave (1970-76)

(caution - the catalogues contain explicit photo's of French geezers with mullets and mustaches).
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