Hi Steve,
It's really an accumulation of issues, this one was the straw that broke the camel's back. I made 2 orders for stuff on the same evening, but one of the orders arrived in about 2 days and the other took over a week to arrive with no explanation. When I called up to find out what was going on, I couldn't get through (then again, I have never been successful in getting through to CRC on the phone). The order finally arrived today, 2 of the items I ordered were part of the flood sale so was prepared for some tatty packaging or perhaps a bit of surface rust but honestly, the multitool is so badly rusted it won't even open. Another multitool bought in the same order and also part of the flood sale is immaculate. To make matters worse, 3 items I ordered as part of the order that arrived today were cancelled with zero explanation.
As I said, this is on top of other problems I've had in every order I've made over recent months. I buy quite a lot of kit from various online retailers and have never had to pick up the phone or write an email.
So that's it with CRC for me, delighted to hear others are having a better experience though.