Chain problems

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Über Member
I give up, I'm on the verge of selling my bikes, getting a car and getting fat.

I took the chain off of my fixed in order to clean it last night. I must have not got the link in the chain tool properly as I ended up with a mashed up mess where the link and back plate should have been. The chain tool was also bent and incapable of fitting the chain back in. I bought a SRAM singlespeed chain and fitted that with the powerlink connector with which it came supplied and all seemed fine until I rode the bike around the block to check this. Accelerating away from the roundabout the chain snapped, shredded a couple of links and I nearly went under the wheels of a lorry due to the sudden loss of power and balance. This morning I bought a Diamondback chain with a drive pin and a new chain tool. I cut the chain to length, and went to join the chain together only to find that the drive pin is too long to fit into the chain tool, I have tried hammering the pin further into the chain, I have tried squeezing the links to ease the pin in further. Nothing works. There is no way of aligning the tool and the chain without the tool screwed together and I can't do that as the pin is too long. So I give up. Hundreds of pounds down the drain and hours and days wasted on bikes which have defeated me with a single chain. How the hell am I supposed to ride a bike if there's no way to put a chain on it?
If you're in York you can bring it all to my house and I'll fix it for you.


Über Member
Thanks for the offers guys, however I'm frustrated of Portsmouth at the moment. I might have to wheel the whole damn thing down to my LBS just to get it back on the road.
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