Chain Lube

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Active Member
Durham City
What is the best stuff to use for the chain/gears etc. I had a can of GT85 lubricant spray given to me and I wondered if this is adequate?

Cheers. :becool:

Hip Priest

GT85 isn't really suitable for chains, as it dries them out.

My advice would be to pick up a bottle of specific chain lube. There are two types. Dry, which (to keep things brief) should be used if you mainly ride in good weather, and wet, which is more suited to poor weather conditions. Also, type 'mickle method' into the search bar!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Finish line or shimano stuff. GT85 is not a chain lube.

Don't use a spray. Just use a dropper bottle on each roller of the chain, run the chain then wipe off. It's dead simple. Sprays are a huge waste of money. GT85 or WD40 for the odd squirt on mech pivots or brake pivots, not a chain.


Somerset UK
Finish Line Dry.

Apply to each link individually.

Does dérailleur and lever pivots well too.

Read the instructions and shake well. BTW The dry refers to the application and carrier method, not the weather it's for.


Baldy Go
Finish Line Dry is my lube of choice too (Oooer missus!)
GT 85 is not a others have pointed out.....but IS useful for cleaning off old cr@p laden lube. It does (apparently) leave a layer of teflon or somesuch and in this respect is somewhat healthier than the dreaded WD40 but is still not recommended by most as the sole means of lubrication.

Trusty old '3-in-one' is better than nowt at a pinch. I ran bicycles for years using this for everything before lubers got all hi-tech and tarty!


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Finish Line Wet here. A tiny drop on each individual roller, and then run it through the gears before wiping off the excess with a rag. Mickle Method.

Every few months, OCD sets in and I drop the chain in Jizer degreaser, rinse it thoroughly with many changes of fresh water, dry it in the oven, and re-lube. It's quite amazing how much road junk gets cleaned off.
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