Having problems with my boys bike with the chain keep jumping off the smaller of the chain rings. It happens when he is either mounting where he moves the pedals backwards to get his foot into position to move off or when he pedals backwards when moving.
I have tried adjustments on the high / low settings on both the front and rear mech but still having the same problem !
It always seems to come off at the same place on the front ring but the ring and teeth do not appear to be bent or out of shape
It is a new BSO "Universal" which was won on the school raffle so its not possible to take it to the shop where it is purchased.
Please heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp
I have tried adjustments on the high / low settings on both the front and rear mech but still having the same problem !
It always seems to come off at the same place on the front ring but the ring and teeth do not appear to be bent or out of shape
It is a new BSO "Universal" which was won on the school raffle so its not possible to take it to the shop where it is purchased.
Please heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp