Centros flimsy motor cover disappeared inside - what to do?

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New Member
My partner and I just bought a Raleigh Centros Hubgear and while we were changing the battery, we touched the motor cover/cap, expecting it to pop up - instead it went inside the cavity. It was a very flimsy piece of flexible plastic - a few centimetres square - and not attached to anything and we've looked inside with a torch and can't work out where it's gone! No idea how to access inside to try to fish it out either. Is it likely to ruin the motor if we ride the bike now? Apologies for the very basic level of this question, we're new to this! Thanks in advance.

If you have just bought it then take it back to the shop
of if it was bought online then ring them up

either way - say it is faulty - that should not break off and go inside that easily

I would suggest that you do not fiddle with it in any way - if you do you might given them a chance to blame you


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Try poking a screwdriver or similar down the hole with something sticky on it like contact adhesive (slightly gone off) and see if it picks it up. The motor might be fully enclosed in which case you might not have any worries.
Otherwise it's taking the cranks off , remove the motor end covers. Best left to the retailer or you'll invalidate the warranty .
WIth my Bosch I can take the whole motor cover off with the pedals and cranks still attached

it is a bit like on of those 3d puzzles - but it can be done
Although I would still suggest taking it back so there are no arguments about warranty and all that stuff
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