CBD for pain

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Heavy Metal Fan
My partner has ankylosing spodilitis and back pain, joint pain. I'm just wondering if anyone uses a CBD oil/tablet and where is the best place to get it?

Are there any particular brands/outlets to go to or avoid? I know with other things there are varying degrees of quality/purity so I don't just want to start picking products off the jungle website.

We don't smoke weed and don't want to start, so legal options are a must!



Legendary Member
Can you get advice from her medical team?


Heavy Metal Fan
Can you get advice from her medical team?

It's still early in the diagnosis. No prescription has yet been offered, but in the past she has been on opiates which makes her drowsy and sick. Just wondered if any natural substance might be better, but doesn't sound like it


Legendary Member
It's still early in the diagnosis. No prescription has yet been offered, but in the past she has been on opiates which makes her drowsy and sick. Just wondered if any natural substance might be better, but doesn't sound like it

Ice for inflammation and heat for stiffness/aching be great natural pain relievers :smile: alongside a gentle movement/stretching programme from her physio.

She might find hydrotherapy useful too if there’s a dedicated pool nearby (will likely have to pay unless she can get a referral from her nhs physio)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Mrs D has tried it for MS and it didn't make any difference for the pain. The THC is the bit that helps with pain but CBD oil is pretty much devoid of it for legal reasons.
I am sure that if IS possible for certain patients to get prescriptions for THC-containing cannabis meds. A friend of mine with MS uses it and does get some relief from it. Only thing is it costs a couple of hundred pounds a month! (Apparently, that is a big price reduction - it used to cost about £500 a month...)


Legendary Member
I am sure that if IS possible for certain patients to get prescriptions for THC-containing cannabis meds. A friend of mine with MS uses it and does get some relief from it. Only thing is it costs a couple of hundred pounds a month! (Apparently, that is a big price reduction - it used to cost about £500 a month...)

Yes, under very limited circumstances they're available on pprescription.

We've tried for Mrs D and not been accepted.


Legendary Member
Fortunately, if you see it that way, Mrs D is also diabetic as a result of the treatment required to save her eyesight when she first fell ill. That means she doesn't pay for prescriptions, which is just as well with 16 different tablets and an injection daily with a second different injection weekly.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I don't know how or if it has any benefit where pain is concerned.

I know 2 people who use/used it. One for anxiety ( it just calms the nerves a bit) and the other one used it to help them sleep.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Fortunately, if you see it that way, Mrs D is also diabetic as a result of the treatment required to save her eyesight when she first fell ill. That means she doesn't pay for prescriptions, which is just as well with 16 different tablets and an injection daily with a second different injection weekly.
When I got put on anticoagulants for life I found out that diabetics don't have to pay for their meds.

When I asked why I had to pay for mine I was told that diabetics would die without their prescription drugs for life so the NHS pays.

I pointed out that I would also die without my prescription drugs for life... :whistle:

And similarly... Why are some prescriptions cheap, but some like full-strength CBD extremely expensive? :wacko:


Legendary Member
What narks me a bit is that it's possible to eat your way to diabetes, or smoke drugs until you become schizophrenic, and then you get it for free.

(Before anyone gets excited I know many diabetics and schizophrenics did nothing to bring it upon themselves, but that doesn't alter the fact that many do.)

Get another life limiting or deadly illness through no fault of your own and you get bent over each time you need the life saving meds. Whoever came up with the list of exemptions needs to be force fed cake until they've learned their lesson.

And why dont carers get them for free?

Sorry, a but of a rant there.


Legendary Member
When I got put on anticoagulants for life I found out that diabetics don't have to pay for their meds.

When I asked why I had to pay for mine I was told that diabetics would die without their prescription drugs for life so the NHS pays.

I pointed out that I would also die without my prescription drugs for life... :whistle:

And similarly... Why are some prescriptions cheap, but some like full-strength CBD extremely expensive? :wacko:

Only available on private prescription? NHS-funded prescriptions are a standard fee (£9.85 or something IIRC) regardless of the actual cost of the drug to the NHS to purchase.
If you have multiple scripts, the NHS PPC at around a tenner a month can be good value (for HRT, it's the cost of two prescription fees for year :thumbsup: )


Über Member
Exercise is often really good for back and joint pain, if you are able to do it.
Has she considered giving a tens machine a try or acupuncture etc?. These are not rubbish, I've had acupuncture in the past and it really helped with pain.
You can get those CBD capsules at places like Boots and Holland and Barratt, I've never had them myself so cant say what's been good etc.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Only available on private prescription? NHS-funded prescriptions are a standard fee (£9.85 or something IIRC) regardless of the actual cost of the drug to the NHS to purchase.
If you have multiple scripts, the NHS PPC at around a tenner a month can be good value (for HRT, it's the cost of two prescription fees for year :thumbsup: )
I will ask him next time we have a chat. I was shocked when he told me how much he is paying.
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