Cateye Micro Wireless puter question

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New Member
East Sussex
I'm sure if we had a five year old handy he could sort me out on this, but the resetting of the trip distance on this miracle of modern science is beyond me.

Can some kind soul take pity and advise? All I want to do is be able to reset the trip to zero after each run. It would be nice if it could keep a cumulative total mileage going, but dunno if it will do that.

A pox on these multi-lingual instructions in tiny print!

This is the CC-MC100W, by the way
To reset Press the 'start/stop' button (the one on the bottom) and whilst holding that down Pres the 'Mode' button the one in the front.

The different trips computers function it has let you reset 1 computer whilst letting you maintain the average speed data etc. And the Odometer does not reset if all you are interested in is your total mileage from day dot.

By holding down the 'Mode' button you can switch between Comp 1 and 2. I find this useful on a club run; where I switch to mode 2 (and reset it) at home and when I get to the start I switch to Mode 1 (and reset that). Aftwerwards I have a record of the club run (Mode1) and a record of my total run (Mode2).
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