Cassette is lose?

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"Young and Ex-whippet"
I installed a new cassette on my wheel about 1 week ago. However, whenever I go over a bump on the road, I can hear a sort of "jangling keys" sound.

I was out on a ride on Tuesday and decided to stop and have a look at what it was. It appeared to me that the lockring had come lose and the cassette was wobbling as a result.

This morning I took the wheel off to see if I could sort the problem. When I attempted to get the lockring off, I discovered that it was tight but the cassette was still lose. I attempted to add another spacer (I have 7 speeds) but that didnt work. I have put the lockring back on but cannot see how I can rectify the problem.

Does anyone know if this will damage the cassette over a period of time or just continue making a noise? Does anyone know if any DIY methods that I could use?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
You need another spacer. You have fitted the spacer next to the hub. Spacers go on first. Before you fit the lock ring, the cassette should be just proud of the free hub body. You might need an additional 1mm spacer. I haven't got spares.

Oh you don't want it loose, it will cause damage
You are going to wear out the freehub with a loose cassette.

Presumably you have an 8 speed freehub and a 7 speed cassette. The 7 speed cassette is too thin for an 8 speed freehub so you need to put a 4.5mm spacer on the freehub before putting the cassette on - ie the spacer goes at the end nearest the centre of the wheel.

Or whatever fossy said!


I'm trying to remember what it was i did once that ended with a similar problem....i think i didnt get the last sprocket correctly engaged on the splines and crimped it onto the end of the freehub with the lockring, leaving the remaining sprockets slightly loose.
Didnt realise at first, the lockring was tight...why wouldnt everything else be, i thought ?
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