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- ...I don't have much idea - really.
They are interesting aren't they?
'Tubby' Gordon Brown was portrayed as having a go at cartoonists the other day - he is often portrayed as fat in the political cartoon of the day.
In another life I drew a few cartoons and used to be influenced by the likes of Gerald Scarfe, Bill Tidy & Michael Heath. And so many others.
There used to be an annual cartoon fest at Chelsea Town Hall...
Private Eye and Punch (too dense to understand the words in either...) was essential reading and in the late 80s there was a short-lived broadsheet dedicated to the news in cartoons (got them all somewhere)
Anyway, to avoid a ramble - have you got any favourites, or is there someone who always 'hits the nail on the head' for you?
And, do you think cartoon protrayal influences the general impression you get of a politician in 'real life'? (Think of Norman Tebbit or Kenneth Baker as the thug and the slug respectively...)
'Tubby' Gordon Brown was portrayed as having a go at cartoonists the other day - he is often portrayed as fat in the political cartoon of the day.
In another life I drew a few cartoons and used to be influenced by the likes of Gerald Scarfe, Bill Tidy & Michael Heath. And so many others.
There used to be an annual cartoon fest at Chelsea Town Hall...
Private Eye and Punch (too dense to understand the words in either...) was essential reading and in the late 80s there was a short-lived broadsheet dedicated to the news in cartoons (got them all somewhere)
Anyway, to avoid a ramble - have you got any favourites, or is there someone who always 'hits the nail on the head' for you?
And, do you think cartoon protrayal influences the general impression you get of a politician in 'real life'? (Think of Norman Tebbit or Kenneth Baker as the thug and the slug respectively...)