With Hunt, you're getting an unknown Chinese OEM build with a brand sticker. Would advise against them on grounds of quality, crosswind instability, as well as performance. They do have good customer support though - give credit where it's due.
Lightbicycle is a decent choice, if you're concerned about crosswinds: Get the ones with an undulating trailing edge - they won't be as fast but super stable, compared to other rims with similar depth.
If you're looking for marginal gains, Winspace/Lún would be a good choice - very slippery but with a classic cross-section, i.e. prone to crosswinds. I personally think that 40-50mm depth is entirely manageable but that's very subjective.
ICAN and 9Velo are other good-quality 'officially Chinese' brands that you may want to look at. Prime is a good value brand, and last but not least - you can find a local wheel builder and get a quote - it's probably cheaper than you think to have a set built.