- Location
- Somerset UK
but what if a child is stuck somewhere and needs collecting at midnight? Or rings you from A&E at 2am? So we downsized considerably but still have a car on the road -and food on the table.
On the rare occasions that this may happen, there are always taxis, far cheaper than owning a car as you only pay when you want one. Unless of course you live in the middle of nowhere, then you would probably have a vehicle of some sort anyway.
One apparent exception to this is the inclusion in 2012 of a (second-hand) car for families with children, a distinct change from previous years where groups agreed public transport and taxis would meet transport needs. However, the perception of the groups held this year (borne out by independent research by government departments) is that public transport fares are rising and services are being reduced to the point where buses are no longer considered sufficiently flexible, affordable and available to meet the needs of parents and children to access work and leisure opportunities. Rather than increase the budget to include enough taxi fares to compensate for the decline in services, parents reached the conclusion, after much discussion, that it would be more cost-effective to own a second-hand car. Offset against the rise in fares, for a couple with two children this adds less than £30 to the weekly budget.
it should be perfectly possible, but what if a child is stuck somewhere and needs collecting at midnight? Or rings you from A&E at 2am?
Thanks for posting the link Marinyork... I'd not seen that before... makes disturbing reading.
Susie has put a friend from a couple of miles away on her insurance for £15 for six months . I'd tell you the name of the insurance company, but that would be giving her age away and I'd have to kill you after.Never thought about it before but everyone on my street could run a car and pay for it between us.... brilliant! There are enough retired people on the street who would love to be the driver during the day for hospitalappointemnst and the like all accessible from a mobile call.... we could run it from an on-line diary for bookings!