So, I recently got new (second hand) wheels for my bike. Been very happy with them. except one thing. I cant for the life of me get the rear derailleur to shift into the bottom (smallest) gear. No matter if the cable is completely slack and the limit screw is completely out. It just wont drop into that bottom cog. At best it makes a sound like its thinking about it... but never makes it in.
Now this isn't a deal breaker, I dont use this gear in my daily commute. But I just thought it was weird that with the mech fully slack and limit screw right out it wont go in. Am I missing something obvious? Have I installed the wheel wrong??? Everything else works just fine.Indexing on all the other gears works perfectly and it stops at the top gear as it should. Bizzare.
Now this isn't a deal breaker, I dont use this gear in my daily commute. But I just thought it was weird that with the mech fully slack and limit screw right out it wont go in. Am I missing something obvious? Have I installed the wheel wrong??? Everything else works just fine.Indexing on all the other gears works perfectly and it stops at the top gear as it should. Bizzare.