thinking of getting a mounted camera, been looking on fee-bay, and i guess you get what you pay for, im not looking at spending a silly ammount though, any ideas please... mark
Having the same problem myself as per my other posting
1) Do I use my Finepix F500 and a handlebar mount
2) Buy a Drift X170 or Oregon ATC 5K helmet camera
3) Do I carry (1) with out a mount and (2) as the main touring camera
Part of the idea here is to use the camera for my main tour next year but in the meantime use it(them) to record my local rides and just as important walks. (question here Could I get away with a helmet camera strapped to my walking hat or would it look like a right pratt) This is bearing in mind that I am not a photographer and regard the camera as something that is sometimes carried on the ride/walk.
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