Just back from a quick evening ride around my local route, I managed the 16.5 miles in 1:02 which is the best time I have achieved. Never really thought about my cadence just tap out a rhythm and change gear when I think I am spinning to fast of when it feels tough etc. A chap followed me tonight for a few miles on a small climb of around half mile then a steady decent then flat drag, he pulled alongside and we had a friendly chat and he commented on my cadence saying it looked high and made him feel tired just watching? I followed in his wheel and we made our separate ways a little way further on. I then decided to measure my cadence and did around 20 pedal strokes in 10 second making 120rpm on the flat. Did it a few times and got roughly the same figure. I then decided to try and pull a larger gear and slow the rate down a bit and concentrated on my pedal stroke and pulling up as well as pushing the pedals when things got tougher. I must admit It didn't feel to bad but the legs felt more tired than normal and wondered whether I could sustain it over my weekend 30/40 mile rides which I manage in around 2 .5 hours usually.
Any words of wisdom or pointers for this relative road newbie???
Any words of wisdom or pointers for this relative road newbie???