Buying a bike overseas and bringing back to UK

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New Member

I am travelling to malaysia and Australia and I was thinking about buying a Specialized Tarmac when in Malaysia as after talking to a few reputable stores over there it looks a bit cheaper.

Anyone know if there any costs involved in bringing this back to the UK if i just travel with it as checked luggage. i.e. is there any need to declare it etc... if if i have been using whilst travelling??




Legendary Member
Don't bother declaring it, just box it up and check it in....


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Ride it a few miles and get it dirty......... no one will know.. just pay the excess baggage.

If you are using it around on your travels, you'll have nothing to worry about.


Active Member
You need to check what its going to cost you to move the bike from place to place. As an example on Quantas from Auz to UK it will cost you A$48 per kilo over your weight allowance. Malaysia to Auz will be about A$18-24 per kilo. You may find that when you add all this up its not such a good deal especially if you get stopped going through the Green channel at Customs and they take it off you which they have every right to do.
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