Bump after changing tyre

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So, after my 3 puncture this month, I had to change my inner tube on the way into work this morning on my rear tyre.

All seemed find and the wheel seem to spin nicely without resistance after being pumped up so I srated on my way. However, I could feel in the saddle a slight bump which probably co-incided to each revolution of the tyre whether pedalling or free-wheeling. I pulled over, checked it over so carried on the last 2 miles to work.

When I got here, I went through the whole process again (deflating the tyre and removing it). I checked to see if there was anything on the inner tube or inside the tyre but could see nothing. I put it all back on, quickly went up and down the road and it seems to be ok although maybe I can't properly tell until after I've gone some distance and speed.

Assumig it is now ok, what is the most likely cuase of this as I don;t want to have to change my tyre twice again?!

Thanks in advance.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
The tyre bead may not have been set properly in the wheel rim.


SMokin Joe - thank you, that makes sense. Is it becuase I either tightened the valve screw (whatever it is called!) too much, or too little, or its just the way it happened to be?
SMokin Joe - thank you, that makes sense. Is it becuase I either tightened the valve screw (whatever it is called!) too much, or too little, or its just the way it happened to be?
Yes, if you tighten the valve screw before you fit the tyre the tyre can't seat on the rim.

Personally I would ditch the valve screw altogether, they don't really serve a purpose.


Legendary Member
Once you have fitted tyre to the rim push the valve up into the rim this should alow the try to seat in the well of the rim.Inever bother fittting valve screw.


Smutmaster General
On my roadie, I use Vittoria tubes, which don't even have a valve screw to ditch
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