Brompton saddle height hack

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Somewhere I have seen a trick which does this: every time you unfold the bike you pull up the saddle to the height that you've pre-set.

I cannot remember where I saw it.

If you can provide a link, or have any comments or suggestions I would be very grateful.


Girl from the North Country
There's a plastic insert that you can fit.

This is It


The only 'hack' I know of is with the telescopic seat post. You set it to the height you want using both clamps, but ensuring that the main part of the seat post is fully extended. Then when you fold it, leave the top part set on extended mode and only collapse the lower part. Then next time you come to use it, pull the bottom part all the way out and it will be perfect.

For all other versions, it's not a hack or trick, it's just a seatpost insert that you cut to fit. It prevents the seatpost pulling out any further than the max height. Think all new bikes now have it as standard, but if you have an older bike without it, they're pretty cheap to pick up.

LIKE THIS for £6.

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Über Member
I saved up for a couple of months and spent the £6 rather than a piece of string

By gum you southerners certainly know how to spend money. 😏


Über Member
On my previous Brompton, using an extended seat post, I wrapped some insulating tape (or similar) around the bottom of the post to act as a stop. Lasted years & years.
My legs are exactly the right length for the standard seatpost… get yourself down to your nearest surgeon and get a bit sawn off each side, probably the most effective Brompton lightening mod, beats Ti bolts by a big margin 😆😆😆


Legendary Member
If the saddle height isn't perfect, but is very close, with the seatpost pulled right up, you can fine tune it using the saddle clamp.
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