brake levers offset

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New Member
I had to raise my brake/shifter levers on my road bike but I don't have enough slack in order for my drop bars to turn 90 degrees. So, now my levers look ackward because they're facing slightly inward. Can a road bike look like this or does the lever have to be aligned with the drop bars?


New Member
This is a tricky one.

Looking from overhead, your brake levers are pointing slightly inward?

There is nothing wrong with this. They may look awkward, but after careful consideration, when your hands are on the hoods, if THEY feel awkward, it is better to rebuild the cabling so your hands are comfortable.


Senior Member
Ipswich, Suffolk
As Jimboalee said.

The levers can be anywhere you want, but they need to be comfortable. if they're not confortable to use, then they need re-doing so they are. just build it so it's good for you.
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