Bottom bracket

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New Member
I have a Hoy shizouka 001 bike.
What size bottom bracket do i need to replace?mine is showing signs of wear.
I can find no technical information
Thanks for any help


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Easiest thing to do if you have the tools is pull the old one as it should be printed on it


Legendary Member
As per @cyberknight.

But that may not be practical for you as you then have to reinstall the worn BB or leave your bike dismantled until the new one arrives.

Those bikes were sold by Evan’s Cycles and they should be able to advise you of the correct size.


They look to be square taper bottom brackets, so some size of BB-UN300 from Shimano would be likely - although you'll need to know the spindle size. The best way to find this out is to remove the bottom bracket and check the label to identify what you have now, but for this you'll need tools.

At a minimum you need, Allen Keys, a crankset puller (Park Tool CCP-22 or equivalent) and a BB remover (Park Tool BBT-22 or equivalent). Those tools are simple to use to both remove and replace the Bottom Bracket.

If unsure, take to any bike shop and they can sort it for you.
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