I have a Raleigh Equipe road bike, so it's obviously quite a few years old.
Yesterday, while using it the pedal seemed loose, so I got off and thought maybe the ring holding the bottom bracket was loose. (Sorry, but I don't know all the right names for the bike parts.)
To my surprise, not only was the ring loose, but the whole 'screwed assembly' was loose. More worringly, this just seemed to fall out, not having unscrewed itself.
I assume therefore the inner metal has lost any thread there
So does this mean my bike is now destined for the scrap heap ?
I know the bike is old and has served me very well indeed .. but it would be a shame to part with it ... especially having bought two new red / black tyres a few weeks ago.
thanks !
Yesterday, while using it the pedal seemed loose, so I got off and thought maybe the ring holding the bottom bracket was loose. (Sorry, but I don't know all the right names for the bike parts.)
To my surprise, not only was the ring loose, but the whole 'screwed assembly' was loose. More worringly, this just seemed to fall out, not having unscrewed itself.
I assume therefore the inner metal has lost any thread there
So does this mean my bike is now destined for the scrap heap ?
I know the bike is old and has served me very well indeed .. but it would be a shame to part with it ... especially having bought two new red / black tyres a few weeks ago.
thanks !